HATSJOE - studie

Titel onderzoek Nederlands

HATSJOE - studie

Titel onderzoek Engels

Symptomatic treatment of pollen related allergic rhinitis and the relation with astma in children


Our objective is to study the effectiveness of symptomatic allergy medication on hay fever symptoms and the relation with asthma


Erasmus MC

Samenvatting van het onderzoek

In a randomized controlled singleblind trail we will select children (6-18 years old) with hay fever under treatment by the general practitioner. During the hay fever season children will get either antihistamines on demand, intranasal corticosteroids (INCS) on demand or INCS continuously. We will compare the percentage of (nose and eye) symptom free days during the pollen season and the effect of treatment on asthma symptoms and control.

Startdatum onderzoek

Type onderzoek


Aard van het onderzoek

Medisch inhoudelijk

Design van het onderzoek

Randomized (controlled) trial


J. Wartna


A. Bohnen

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