Kosteneffecitiviteit van ondansetron bij kinderen met diarree en braken op de huisartsenpost

Titel onderzoek Nederlands

Kosteneffecitiviteit van ondansetron bij kinderen met diarree en braken op de huisartsenpost

Titel onderzoek Engels

Cost-effectiveness of ondansetron in children with AGE attending the primary care OHS


What is the cost-effectiveness of ondansetron and oral rehydration therapy (ORT) compared to ORT alone?

Uitgangsvraag PICO


Vomiting children aged 6 months to 6 years with AGE attending OHS


Oral ondansetron added to ORT




Referrals to a paediatric emergency department


Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen

Samenvatting van het onderzoek

Objective: To evaluate cost-effectiveness of ondansetron in children with acute gastro-enteritis (AGE) and vomiting at a general practitioner cooperative out-of-hours service (OHS).

Research question & Hypothesis: What is the cost-effectiveness of ondansetron and oral rehydration therapy (ORT) compared to ORT alone? We hypothesize that with an effective one-intake-treatment that stops vomiting and consequently facilitates ORT, referral rate will be reduced and consequently will reduce costs.

Methods: This is a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. We will include vomiting children aged 6 months to 6 years with AGE attending an OHS.

Intervention: We will compare oral ondansetron added to ORT with ORT alone (usual care).

Primary clinical outcome: the number of referrals to a paediatric emergency department.

Sample size: We have to include 1.064 children in order to observe a significant reduction in referral rate from an expected 9% to 4.5%.

Startdatum onderzoek

Type onderzoek


Aard van het onderzoek

Medisch inhoudelijk; Kwaliteit van zorg

Design van het onderzoek

Randomized (controlled) trial


F. Fickweiler


Dr. Y. Lisman-van Leeuwen, projectleider

Andere betrokkenen

Prof. dr. M.Y. Berger, afdelingshoofd en huisarts

Dr. J. Post, huisarts

Dr. M.H. Blanker, universitair docent en huisarts

ICPC codes

D10 D11 D73

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